BJ Morriszonkle / Made For Chickens By Robots - Split (7" Vinyl-Single)
Perhaps one of the most brilliant and bizarre one man bands you are likely to witness. He rubberneck fingerpicks an old children’s guitar. He plays a beatup suitcase powered by some vintage headphones with his right foot. He bangs a mexican miniture snare drum with his left.
Hollers garbled ramblings of sexual inuendos and meat subject matter through a gold plated megaphone and there’s a farmyard full of animals and lo-fi-sci-fi sonics belching out of somewhere there aswell. It’s some kind of blues music, some kind of deranged old early blues and the ragtime tradition then retarded by technology and crippled tonality, earache noise and abusive slapstick sound effects.
Fast fingerpicking weird guitar interrupted by drunken tempo changes and warped backwards sounds.
01 Szonk's hair brained scheme
02 Huff D Bongo
03 Godzilla / Ireland
04 Huff D Der Der