In 2020, the actress and singer Carolin Karnuth will release her debut album "Herzchaos" with her pianist and co-composer Eckhard Wiemann. The name says it all: The focus is on the lyrics - sometimes funny, sometimes melancholic and sometimes a little spitefully, the Berliner-by-choice lets her own and observed elements flow into her songs with a lot of self-mockery and dry humour. Chansonesque, slightly cabaret lyrics in pop-jazzy melodies alternate with rocking snot numbers and Asian folklore - pure heart chaos!
01 Decide 02 buddy 03 Puking over the four-poster bed 04 Pseudo Black Mommy 05 Unemployed actors in Berlin 06 I wish for rain 07 AstroTV 08 Substitute Hero 09 Stephan from Pankow 10 Like a deflated balloon 11 Mr. Non-binding 12 lives 13 Asian