No wrinkles on your face yet, but refreshingly profound wisdom up your sleeve. The fact that two music students skillfully set their instruments vibrating in every plucked, percussive, knocked and bowed technique comes as no surprise. One might not have expected the two of them to expand their chansons with occasional country or reggae influences into unimagined widths and heights. With the first songs, many already have a familiar feeling in their legs and ears with the second chorus, without the desire to have to hear something new again.
01 Can wait 02 colors 03 Sunburn 04 I have no idea 05 ride a bike 06 A friend of mine 07 Marlborough Hair 08 The disoriented student in conflict with the meritocracy 09 Of ways 10 My Swampmate III 11 Pissed off 12 Unmotivated 13 elevator direction unknown 14 I used to be a cowboy 15 votes