Andreas Barthel - The Schützenplatz Chronicles POW Power of Wrestling (Book incl. CD)
It's Saturday October 19th, 2019. Alofa is lying on the ground in a bad condition and with the last of his strength manages to reach out his hand for Demolition Davies to reach her. He activates his last reserves of strength and makes it into the corner. Finally, after so many hard punches and kicks that he had to take in the last few minutes, the goal has been reached. Davies is the replacement. A murmur goes through the crowd. Can Davies turn the tide and help Jörg Vespermann's team to victory? Probably the most important victory that Jörg Vespermann so urgently needs in order to continue to be President at the helm of Power of Wrestling...
Author Andreas Barthel sheds light on the last year of wrestling before Corona and has conducted many exciting interviews with wrestlers and makers.