Ralph Symann (*1974) spent his childhood and youth in Nordwalde (Münsterland). Even while he was still at school, he received varied and stimulating music lessons, which enabled him to familiarize himself with a wide range of musical grammar at an early stage. Ultimately, he finds his actual artistic home and the tonal language in the classical period, in which he will subsequently express himself. The Abitur was followed by an autodidactic training as a composer, with the writings of Marpurg, Heinichen and Mattheson forming the theoretical basis. Ralph Symann has had a private position as a composer in Nordenham since 2004. He writes vocal and instrumental music for a wide variety of ensembles. The CD "Sub specie aeternitatis" is his first album. It contains a collection of 11 motets for choir and basso continuo, each of which has its own character through the integration of a wide variety of styles and the use of different compositional techniques: canons and fugues are represented as well as homophonic writing, simple two-part writing as well as full double choir . The music will be interpreted by the Monteverdi Chamber Choir Würzburg under the direction of Matthias Beckert. It is accompanied by members of the Monteverdi Ensemble.
01 Sanctus in D major 02 Kyrie in F Flat Minor 03 Pater Noster in A Major 04 Jubilate Deodorant in C Major 05 I Agnus Dei in E Minor 06 II Agnus Dei: Dona nobis pacem in E Major 07 Gloria in C major 08 Miserere in C Minor 09 Dona nobis pacem in E Sharp Major 10 In Christo nova creatura in D minor 11 Confiteor in C Major 12 I Ecce quam bonum in E-Sharp Major 13 II Ecce quam bonum: Et vitam in E-Sharp Major