The magic of the first take - this is the motto for songwriter and guitarist Tilo George Copperfield's new EP "Sweet Honey". The album was completely arranged and recorded in the best Muscle Shoals manner in one day with a strong band in the background. Spontaneity and creativity as well as musical skill and feeling characterize "Sweet Honey", which could easily have come from the 70s. In addition, Copperfield has invited some great guest singers, which should make this disc a very unique cross-section of the alternative country and blues rock scene in Bavaria far away from the mainstream. From the wailing country of "June Bugs" to the Tom Petty homage "Poet of the Highway" to the pounding southern rock of "Godforsaken Place"; here every note is honest and delivers a remarkable statement from Copperfield as a songwriter entirely at ease in this terrain.
01 June Bugs 02 My Friends 03 Cold hard fact 04 Life is a death trap 05 Moonshine 06 Poet of the highway 07 Godforsaken Place